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Immersive Theater Performance [ Those Who Walk in Doubles: Doppelgänger ]

  • 2023.11.29


The participatory VR performance <Those Who Walk in Doubles : Doppelgänger>, produced by ATLab, is an audience participation VR performance that experiences the transition from the world of life to the world of death. It is the largest and most advanced place-based VR performance in Korea, and is a convergence art performance in which the location and behavior of the performer are reflected in virtual reality, allowing participants to directly communicate with the actor and share the experience with other participants.


A multi-user immersive performance piece for eight players and audience members. Four performers stand in a circle in the center of the stage, with audience members seated around them. Speakers surrounding them all emit vibrations, and a screen fills one wall. The four audience members who signed up for the experience are wearing head-mounted display(HMD) and are part of the performance. The rest of the audience will be able to see the actual movement in front of them and the virtual world relayed on the screen at the same time.


As a result of the demonstration screening for the second round of production support for the 2020 Art & Tech Revitalization Creative Support Project hosted by the Arts Council Korea, this work was selected as one of the four final applications out of the 160 arts organizations (artists) that applied in total.


The judges said, "We looked at whether the project had artistic value beyond the simple convergence of technology and art and could expand artistic horizons, and whether the technology used appropriately reflected the artistic intentions of the artist." The judges said, "We selected works that showed feasibility and scalability through the demonstration, which made us look forward to the final result."


In particular, This project is the result of the combination of various creative capabilities of Korea National University of Arts through the industry-academia project team collaboration composed of students from School of Film, TV & Multimedia, School of Visual Arts, School of Music, School of Dance, thanks to the technical collaboration of the social AR/VR platform development company RECON Labs (CEO Ban Sunghoon), and responds to the interest and efforts for future convergence art education through advanced technology aimed at Korea National University of Arts.
